Monday, November 18, 2019

Apartheid is South Africa Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Apartheid is South Africa - Research Paper Example Second, I have analyzed the apartheid impact on the education of the Blacks in South Africa. For this purpose I have mainly used the book Black student politics: higher education and apartheid by Saleem Badat (1999). Other online articles have been used to complement the information. Aim The purpose of the research is to prove that racism is a curse for any country. Segregation strategies will always have negative impacts on the economy and education of the subdued races. Section B: Summary of evidence Effect of apartheid on economy South Africa experienced a significant growth in the economic sector between 1946 and 1975. During this period, South Africa was burdened with the pressure of preserving the apartheid system. The effort to maintain white supremacy resulted in the fall of GDP in 1987. To preserve the effort to impose restrictions on the black in the labour market, the economy of the country became dependent on migrant labour system. Initially this system did not have any n egative effect on the economic growth in South Africa. However, in the beginning of 1970s, the rigid policies of the apartheid system began to have negative impact in the modern economy. The low wage rates of the blacks and their limited access to education created deficiency of labour among the natives. As the number of immigrants grew, there was ready availability of migrant labours based on temporary contracts. The manufacturing and mining sectors of the country began to realize the benefits that can be gained from â€Å"settled labour force†. The transport expenditure and the length of time involved in hiring migrant labours affected the level of gross production of the country. There were also other economic setbacks. There was growing unrest among the black communities because of the oppressive treatment. This forced the government to spend more on internal security. The younger generations of the white population were forced to join military force. This resulted in dec line of income because the military pay was lower than the job market. By this time, the government attempted to consider several policies for black education which needed huge investments. The average expenditure of the government was 14.0 percent in the late 1950s, and it increased to 24.7 percent in the mid-1980s1. Effect of apartheid on education In 1953, the Bantu Education Act was implemented by the South African government as an effort to provide limited education to the black children. Before the Act was passed, most schools were run by missionaries and were funded by the government. After this Act was implemented, the government gave financial aid to black schools on conditions that they will follow the curriculum set by the Department of Bantu Education. Many missionary schools were closed down when they refused to promote apartheid. There were many protests among the black students and their parents because of a separate system of black education. According to this Act, t he black children received only that kind of education that was necessary to work in factories. The talents and aspirations of the black children were ignored. This Act was designed in the way to serve the interests of the white supremacy. The black students had inferior educational resources and opportunities. Under this Act, the black children were taught that they were â€Å"perpetual children in need of parental supervision by whites†. This limited their view of their social status in the

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